• Business development

Business development

Strong and deep collaboration in the School of Pharmacy at Kumamoto University  challenges the program

  • Business development 1 Establishment of cultivation systems that reproduce environments
  • Business development 2 Establishment of evaluation system line for useful natural resources
Business development 1 - Establishment of cultivation systems that reproduce environments

Expanding Useful Natural Product Library and International Colaboration

At present, approximately 30,000 species of useful natural products have been sampled from around the world. We aim to take the information provided to us from the habitats of these species, obtain data on the natural habitats, and establish the conditions to cultivate them in Japan, then build the technologies for mass production. Importantly, profits from this project should not only be used in Japan but also in other countries, so that it is important to consider the contributions to other countries, follow international regulations and build mutual trust between these countries. By taking advantage of acumulated knowledge, we aim to build a global network basis for sustainable research in order to spread local wisdom and resources worldwide.

Takashi Watanabe
Takashi Watanabe
Business development 1 "Establishment of cultivation systems that reproduce environments" Central Researcher
Kumamoto University School of Pharmacy
Business development 2 - Establishment of evaluation system line for useful natural resources

Searching for new possibilities for useful natural products

Kumamoto University has the longest history in Japan in retrovirus research. By utilizing our R&D strengths on AIDS research, we screen for useful natural products from all over the world that are effective against AIDS. We also develop original Kumamoto University human disease-model animals and are making progress in pre-clinical trials. From the results of this program, we believe it is truly possible to develop a novel therapeutic agent for the HIV infection that plagues the world. It will not be simple, but I'm excited to team up with researchers from a variety of different fields and making progress in research.

Shogo Misumi
Shogo Misumi
Business development 2 "Establishment of evaluation system line for useful natural resources" Central Researcher
Kumamoto University Faculty of Life Sciences (Pharmaceutical sciences group), School of Pharmacy

Overview of Business development

  • In order to achieve steady supply of high quality useful natural products obtained from the Useful Natural Product Integration System, we aim to establish new production systems for useful natural products such as soil and hydroponic cultivation technologies with low cost and minimal time.

  • In order to efficiently and effectively identify the active components that are promising for drug discovery from the 90,000 species in the Useful Natural Products Library, we develop an evaluation system that can automatically and consistently extract lead compounds from natural products as well as human disease model animals that enhance the possibility of successful pre-clinical evaluation.

Overview of Business development